Calling All Ruling Elders!
An Interview with Jon D. Payne about the GRN National Conference

* An interview with GRN Executive Coordinator, Dr. Jon D. Payne about the GRN National Conference at Saint Andrews PCA in Sanford, Florida; May 7-8th, 2025.

Wilson Van Hooser — There are a lot of evangelical and Reformed conferences these days. In light of our saturated conference culture, why does the Gospel Reformation Network organize a national conference? How are GRN conferences distinct from other Reformed conferences? What’s the aim?

Jon D. Payne — These are great questions. Yes, Reformed conferences abound! To your point, in mid-summer I saw a list of eleven Reformed conferences that were taking place from August through November; and they were all good conferences! Eleven! So we don’t want to simply add another conference.

The GRN organizes conferences for a unique purpose— to encourage teaching and ruling elders in the Presbyterian Church in America to remain faithful to Scripture and our confessional standards. We organize conferences not only to reinforce sound doctrine, piety, and practice, but to highlight particular unhealthy trends that sometimes emerge within the church. These trends include things like antinomianism, Revoice, egalitarianism, and wokism. The purpose of our national conferences, therefore, is the overall purpose of the GRN— to help cultivate healthy churches in the PCA.

Of course, elder’s wives and ordinary members of PCA churches are welcome and encouraged to attend. Our conferences are a wonderful time of worship, learning, and joyful fellowship. Moreover, those from other denominations or churches who are interested in attending are also welcome. While the instruction and panel discussions are primarily focused on the PCA, our conferences are relevant to all Reformed churches in NAPARC and beyond.

Another unique aspect of GRN conferences is the fellowship and mutual encouragement that occurs between fellow PCA elders. Many elders feel isolated and discouraged in their churches. Some are ready to give up and resign their office or leave the denomination. Others, for one reason or another, are frustrated in their presbyteries and need encouragement. The GRN National Conference is a spiritual oasis for ruling elders and pastors. This has certainly been my experience.      

WVH — The theme of the 2025 GRN National Conference is “The Ruling Elder.” Why did you choose this particular subject?

JDP   The future of the PCA will only be as strong as her ordained officers. Therefore, we need leaders with strong biblical and confessional conviction. The GRN exists, in large part, to serve and encourage PCA ordained leadership to remain committed to their ordination vows. We recognize, however, that there is often a disproportionate amount of encouragement given to teaching elders (pastors) compared to ruling elders; despite the fact that ruling elders are foundational to Christ’s strategy for shepherding, feeding, and protecting his beloved church (Acts 14:23; 20:17-38; I Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9).

Ruling elders need instruction and encouragement too. In addition to the conference, we are creating a new landing page on our website dedicated to quality resources for the ruling elder. These will include regular articles written by members of our council and other TEs and REs from around the PCA.

WVH — Who will be the keynote speakers at this year’s conference? Will there be panel discussions?

JDP — Our speakers this year include Fred Greco, Guy Waters, Rick Phillips, Jon Payne, and Mel Duncan. Many of you are familiar with these men. However, in case you aren’t here’s a little information about them.

Rev. Fred Greco served as a PCA ruling elder for many years prior to becoming a teaching elder at Christ Presbyterian Church in Katy, Texas. He served as moderator of the PCA General Assembly in 2023, and is widely respected as a key leader in our denomination. Dr. Guy Waters is an esteemed professor of new testament at RTS Jackson. He’s written and edited numerous books. His book entitled “How Jesus Runs the Church” is a staple for officer training in many PCA congregations. Dr. Rick Phillips has served as the senior minister at Second Presbyterian Church in Greenville, SC for 18 Years. He is a prolific author of books and commentaries including “The Masculine Mandate” and his most recent commentary on Colossians and Philemon in the Reformed Expository Commentary Series. Mr. Mel Duncan is a ruling elder and executive administrator at Second Presbyterian Church in Greenville, South Carolina. He is well known across the denomination for his strong and irenic churchmanship. It’s been my honor to serve as senior pastor of Christ Church Presbyterian in Charleston, South Carolina since planting the church in 2013. I’ve also had the privilege to serve the GRN Council as executive coordinator since 2014.             

The keynote messages will largely focus on the nature and task of the ruling elder for today’s church. In addition to messages from the keynote speakers, panel discussions will feature several seasoned ruling elders. I personally look forward to these panel discussions and the wisdom that will be conveyed on all matters pertaining to the call.

WVH — What can you tell us about the location and dates of the national conference? Won’t a mid-week conference be tough for ruling elders to attend?

JDP   The conference location this year is on the beautiful campus of Saint Andrews PCA and Ligonier Ministries in Sanford, Florida. The conference sessions will occur in the main sanctuary, an architecturally beautiful place of worship which was conceived, in part, by the church’s late founding minister, Dr. RC Sproul.

Sanford is a suburb of Orlando, and thus close to many vacation attractions. I’ve already heard that some families are planning to combine their attendance at the GRN National Conference with a family vacation. I think it’s a great idea! The month of May is a lovely time of year in central Florida.

To be sure, a midweek conference can be difficult; especially for those with inflexible jobs. However, a weekend conference can be just as difficult for some to attend with family and church events. Our hope is that with this advance notice, PCA teaching and ruling elders will plan to attend. It’s going to be a special conference.    

WVH — Will there be music and singing during the main sessions?

JDP  Yes, indeed! The robust singing of Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs is one of the highlights of GRN conferences. We look forward to working with the first rate music leadership and musicians at Saint Andrews.

WVH — Will scholarships be made available?

JDP — Yes, indeed. Scholarships will be given on a case by case basis. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, please contact Mr. Colton Dempsey (conference coordinator) at

WVH — Do you have any final thoughts to share about the 2025 GRN National Conference in Sanford, Florida?

JDP — The future health of the PCA is dependent upon the spiritual health of her leaders. My sincere prayer is that hundreds of ruling and teaching elders will plan to attend the conference this spring, and that our denomination will experience blessing and reform as a result.

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