David B. Garner on the PCA at 50
"Remember Jesus Christ, Risen from the Dead"

As mentioned at the beginning of this week, the Gospel Reformation Network (GRN) has produced a series of videos featuring Executive Council members and friends reflecting on the history and present situation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).

Today, we are happy to direct readers to a biblically grounded and theologically insightful reflection on the PCA from GRN Executive Council member Dr. David B. Garner of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. Here is a transcript of his brief – but powerful – remarks:

“The Bible has a lot to say about dates, events, moments. In fact, as you look at the Old Testament, we do see what we call the year of Jubilee – the 50th year in the life experience of the covenant people of God. And as we see in Leviticus 25, that’s really a period for reset, it’s a period for repentance, and it’s really a call to restoring of fear of God and love of neighbor.

“As I think about the PCA now at our 50th Anniversary, I think we need to do the same thing. We need to reset. We need to recalibrate. Perhaps we even need to repent. Have we in any way lost our first love?

“The Apostle Paul in Second Timothy chapter 2, as he’s handing the baton off to Timothy in this next phase of church life: the post-Apostolic age. I find it stunning that in the second chapter of Second Timothy, Paul in the midst of seeking to equip Timothy for years of faithful ministry, has to say to him, ‘Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead.’

“Isn’t it amazing that Paul is concerned that Timothy in the middle of this ministry carrying out all of these duties as an undershepherd in the flock of God, that he is concerned that Timothy might forget Jesus. I think that we need to take that calling seriously as well. Is there any way, in the way we’re carrying out ministry today, that we have forgotten ‘Jesus Christ, risen from the dead?’

“That call for the PCA at our 50th Anniversary I think is an important one. Are we really resting in the righteousness of Christ? Are we really restless for the righteousness of Christ? Are we resting in His Word in building our ministries on the foundation of the Word of Christ? What do I want the PCA to do in the next 50 years? Every year, remember Jesus Christ risen from the dead.”


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRqVOLUySrk?si=etFVpPs1Xp5_JEDg]