Jonathan Master & Steve Lawson on ‘A Theology of Preaching’

In a recent live interview with our friend Dr. Steve Lawson of OnePassion Ministries, GRN Executive Council Member Dr. Jonathan L. Master discussed “A Theology of Preaching.” In their illuminating conversation on the exhibition floor of the well-attended G3 Conference, Dr. Master and Dr. Lawson exemplified the GRN’s “unbending dedication to expository preaching that informs the mind, transforms the heart, and stirs the affections” (GRN Vision & Distinctive #3).

Dr. Lawson articulated the primacy and practicality of faithful expository preaching for the life of the church in saying at one point (12:35), “It is the pulpit that is shaping the worship of the church, shaping the spiritual life of the church, shaping the evangelism and outreach of the church. You’re equipping the saints to do the ministry. In fact, when you’re in the pulpit, Jonathan, you are modeling for your congregation how to study the Bible. You are showing them – as you’re walking through this passage – how to do it so when they get home and they read the Bible at the breakfast table, they are going to emulate the attention to detail that you are you giving in the passage.

The GRN’s purpose is “to cultivate healthy Reformed churches in the Presbyterian Church in America,” and that begins in the pulpit, supported by “a resolve to practice fervent prayer in the closet” (GRN Vision & Distinctive #3).

To watch the full conversation, click the play button below, or navigate to Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary’s YouTube channel here.
