Richard D. Phillips on the PCA at 50
"Retain Our Conviction in the Sufficiency and the Power of God's Word"

As mentioned earlier this week, the Gospel Reformation Network (GRN) has produced a series of videos featuring Executive Council members and friends reflecting on the ministry, history, and future prospects of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).

Today, we are happy to highlight a deeply personal and grateful reflection on the PCA from GRN Executive Council member Dr. Richard D. Phillips of Second Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Greenville, SC. Here are some selections from his remarks:

“Like – I suppose – everyone else, I came into the PCA through a local church. And in my case, it was the church where I met the Lord Jesus Christ… I think it’s usually the case that we think our initial experience is the whole broader group. And before too long, I left Philadelphia, and I discovered a broader PCA. But for me, it was always that experience of the power of the Word of God, and the truth of the gospel. The confidence in the power of the Word of God was to me – that’s still – what I think the PCA is about and should be about.”

“My hope for the PCA is that we retain the confidence that I first discovered when I came into the PCA 30 years ago: namely, the conviction that God will sovereignly and supernaturally bless His Word. The Bible doesn’t need to be accommodated to the culture, doesn’t need to be toned down, doesn’t need to be shaped. It needs to be proclaimed: Him we proclaim!  We set forth the truth of God’s Word before the consciences of men.”

“My hope for the PCA is that we retain not only our commitment to faithfulness – I certainly pray for that – but that we will remain relevant. The way we remain relevant is by fearlessly proclaiming the whole counsel of God, and proclaiming Christ: Christ the Lord, Christ the Savior, Christ in His atoning work, Christ seated at the right hand of the Father, Christ returning at the end of the age. My hope for the PCA is that we retain our conviction in the sufficiency and the power of God’s Word as it is simply proclaimed.”

