An Apostolic Prayer for the PCA – “Strength for Today”
Ligon Duncan's Sermon before the 50th General Assembly

At the 50th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America, GRN Executive Council Member Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III (CEO & Chancellor, Reformed Theological Seminary) delivered the sermon “Strength for Today” on Ephesians 1:18-23 as part of the Wednesday evening worship service.

In this sermon, Dr. Duncan emphasized that “knowing truth matters when it comes to deep changes in our hearts.” Indeed, this is central to Paul’s prayer for the church in Ephesus, as expressed in the text. This prayer that the Ephesian Church would know the calling, inheritance, and power that belongs to them through the gospel is just as relevant to the PCA today as it was to the saints in Ephesus.

To watch the full sermon from Dr. Duncan, click the play button in the thumbnail below, or navigate to the PCA General Assembly’s YouTube channel here.

