A few years ago, a friend treated my son and me to a tour of St. James’ Park, the home grounds of Newcastle United F.C., a famous English Premier…
An Indelible Mark
Is the Shorter Catechism Worthwhile?by Confex Makhalira February 28, 2018In his essay, “Is the Shorter Catechism Worthwhile,” Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield argues for the importance of the Westminster Shorter Catechism by stating that the catechism always leaves an indelible…
The Controversy about Infant Baptism
by Jason Helopoulos January 4, 2018Baptism. In American Christianity one only has to say the word and positions are taken, defenses go up, and arguments are made ready. Should we spend time studying, knowing,…
Reformation Women
Selfless, Smart, and Faithful in their Everyday Callingby Rebecca VanDoodewaard October 3, 2017In the sixteenth century, Roman Catholic Europe had distinct roles for women—like mother, nun, and queen. But these roles (as they were defined then) were often far from biblical:…
Sons in the Son of God
Exulting in Our Spiritual Adoptionby David Garner September 1, 2017Familiarity. Preachers and psychologists warn us about it, spouses fall prey to its tantalizing trap, and children get blindly sucked into its vortex of ingratitude. So sweet and so…
My children have always enjoyed riddles. Whenever they learn a new one, they inevitably try it out on me. I guess and guess but rarely have the right answer.…
Sisterhood in the Church
Cultivating Christ-Centered Fellowship Among Womenby Christina Fox June 26, 2017I have a dear friend who lives in the opposite end of the country from me. She is so far away, I don’t know when I’ll see her again.…
As a mom, there are certain people I love to visit with my kids. These are the people who put away their breakables, pull out a puzzle or a…