Several weeks ago, I was driving east on I-80 to preach at a church in a nearby state when my rear driver-side wheel flew off completely—rim and all. I immediately…
If you have not yet faced discouragement in ministry, just wait. It will happen. Ministry and discouragement go together like the sun and sunburn—the longer you’re in the sun,…
Missional Clarity in the PCA
Back to Basicsby David Strain April 6, 2017It has never been more urgent for the PCA to articulate a clear vision of mission—calling all its member churches to obedience to the summons of Christ to reach…
The Necessity of Godly Leadership
by Jason Helopoulos March 23, 2017For the church to be of any benefit to this passing world, it must possess godly leadership. The men who occupy the office of elder (ruling elder or teaching…
You shall be holy, for I am holy. Recently Dr. Ed Welch, a man for whose ministry I have great respect and have benefited from immensely, wrote a blog…
The Gospel Reformation Network
For the Continued Faithfulness of the PCAby Jon Payne March 9, 2017The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is approaching its fiftieth anniversary. Since its founding in 1973, the PCA has devoted itself to three goals—to be faithful to the Scriptures,…
Cultural Injection
When the Church Pursues Worldly Successby Harry Reeder March 8, 2017Some athletes, fascinated with body growth, employ biological steroid enhancement. Why? Because they know it works—at least for a while. They will get bigger, stronger, and faster—for a while.…
In 2011, the session of the church that I pastor sought to educate and assist the members of the church regarding proposed changes that we had decided to make…
Michael Horton | 5 Questions: On a Pastor’s Piety 1. Do you see the need in our day for a renewed emphasis upon the pastor’s personal piety and godliness? Is…
5 Questions
On a Pastor's Pietyby Kevin DeYoung February 28, 2017Kevin DeYoung | 5 Questions: On a Pastor’s Piety 1. Do you see the need in our day for a renewed emphasis upon the pastor’s personal piety and godliness?…