The following is a based on a portion of Pastor Carl Robbins’ lecture “15 Lessons on Church Discipline,” and can be found in that video, beginning at the 16:02…
Three Presbyterian Convictions: Psalms, Sabbath, & the Rejection of Images
by Jacob Gerber March 31, 2022Within wider Christianity, Presbyterians are often labeled—and sometimes dismissed—as traditionalists. This label may seem to explain some aspects of Presbyterian piety, but not all. When Christians outside of Reformed…
Reality Check & the Future of the PCA
by Jon Payne February 24, 2022The Book of Church Order (BCO) amendments that many hoped would guard the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) from further infiltration of Revoice/Side B Gay doctrine were officially defeated.…
Rise Up, Man!
A Call to Young Eldersby Jim McCarthy February 15, 2022In 1643, George Gillespie traveled to London as one of the eleven Scots chosen to participate in the Westminster Assembly. Initially tasked by Parliament to revise the 39 Articles…
The Importance of Gathering for Worship
by Jon Payne January 18, 2022Is gathered (in-person) worship optional for Christians? The question is a profoundly relevant one, especially in our day of endless online services and superficial views of public worship. The…
A Review of Greg Johnson’s New Book: “Still Time to Care”
by Jonathan Master December 6, 2021Greg Johnson, Still Time to Care: What We Can Learn from the Church’s Failed Attempt to Cure Homosexuality. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2021. Hbk, 304 pp. ISBN: 9780310140931. $25.99 Greg…
Prodigal Children & the Blessing of Baptism
by Jason Helopoulos October 14, 2021The best testimonies of Christian faith are sometimes the most boring ones. Often it is the drug-addicted, philandering sluggard who is converted to Christ who receives the most attention—and…
One account of morality sees history as the outworking of a competition between groups that are vying for power. Another account grounds morality in personal preference or choice. In…
I grew up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where crawfish boils are commonplace every Spring. I never had to learn how to boil crawfish myself, because there was always a…
Historic Biblical Christianity & Contemporary Progressive Christianity
by Harry Reeder July 23, 2021Recently in light of the increasing challenges by the persistent and penetrating movement of Progressive Christianity within the Evangelical Church in general and my own denomination—the Presbyterian Church in…