Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared at Reformation21, you can access the original here. There have not been many times over the last twenty years in the PCA General Assembly…
Do You Have to Go Twice?
The Benefits of Evening Worshipby David Gilbert May 29, 2019Early in our marriage, my wife and I were invited to an extended family gathering on a Sunday evening. We indicated that we go to worship on Sunday night,…
The Importance of Preaching
Samuel Miller's Lectures on Preaching (Part 1)by Allen Stanton May 20, 2019Most Presbyterians know the name Samuel Miller (1769-1850) for his work as a member of the faculty of Old Princeton Seminary (1812-1929).[1] Unfortunately, Miller is often overshadowed by other men…
There are so many different ways to plant a church and so many different context and circumstances in which a church may be planted. As the pastor of just…
Godly Leadership
An Ancient Solution for a Modern Dilemmaby Sean Morris February 22, 2019In recent days, the evangelical church in North America has been particularly cognizant of scandal within her walls: allegations and confirmations and stories of abuses of various kinds have…
When I first considered writing an article on the subject of earnest prayer, my first impulse was to say no. After all, this is an area where I struggle,…
When I was in third grade, my teacher, Mrs. Everett, stopped and pulled me aside to speak to me. She got down on my level, looked me straight in…
Aiming at the Heart
A Series on The Westminster Larger Catechism Q&A 154-160by Rhett Dodson January 22, 2019Editor’s Note: This is part 10 in a 10 part series on Westminster Larger Catechism Question and Answer 154-160. Every preaching textbook includes at least some discussion on the…
The Presbyterian Church in America has been my church for over twenty-six years. I have benefited greatly from its verdant pastures of Christ-centered ministry. Since the PCA’s founding on…
How to Listen to Preaching
A Series on The Westminster Larger Catechism Q&A 154-160by Joel Smit December 14, 2018Recently my wife and I had a rare opportunity to go out to eat. Wanting to make the most of it, I chose a restaurant that I knew had…