It has never been more urgent for the PCA to articulate a clear vision of mission—calling all its member churches to obedience to the summons of Christ to reach…
The Gospel Reformation Network
For the Continued Faithfulness of the PCAby Jon Payne March 9, 2017The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is approaching its fiftieth anniversary. Since its founding in 1973, the PCA has devoted itself to three goals—to be faithful to the Scriptures,…
Learning to Embrace the Whole Counsel of Godby Brian Cosby March 2, 2017According to a 2014 report, I live in the most “Bible-minded” city in America—Chattanooga, Tennessee, a place where churches cover the land as the waters cover the sea. The…
We are living in a confused and confusing time for confessional Christians (Christians who are anchored by a public and corporate theological commitment to be faithful to the Bible’s…
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