Jim turned out the lights, locked his office, and headed for the parking lot. He glanced at his watch—8:30pm. He would have usually grabbed a late dinner on the…
The Pastor and His Books
A GRN Pre-Conference Lecture by Dr. Ian Hamiltonby GRN March 4, 2021Dr. Ian Hamilton – “The Pastor & His Books” The Gospel Reformation Network is pleased to present the “O Church, Arise” pre-conference video lecture by Dr. Ian Hamilton entitled “The…
Let the Children Worship
10 Reasons to Include Children in Corporate Worshipby Jason Helopoulos March 2, 2021We pulled into the driveway exhausted. Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, but that morning felt like anything but. It was tiring not because of an…
Confessional Discipleship (Part 1)
by Nick Batzig January 22, 2021In Pleading for a Reformation Vision, David Calhoun recounts a story about the late Dr. William Childs Robinson’s high esteem for the Westminster Standards. “Occasionally,” writes Calhoun, “a student…
The PCA’s Very Slippery Slope
Progressivism, Theological Liberalism, & the Gay Pastorby Jon Payne December 14, 2020“Do not be conformed to this world.”[1] The apostle Paul’s inspired exhortation to the church in Rome has never been more relevant or pressing for the Presbyterian Church in…
Uncommon Zeal: George Whitefield at 250 Years
by Jon Payne November 24, 2020On September 29th, 1770, the eminent and ailing George Whitefield entered the small New England town of Exeter. An unexpected and sizable crowd had gathered to hear him preach.…
Cultivating Godly Leadership
A Video Message from Dr. Jon Payneby Jon Payne October 12, 2020Cultivating Godly Leadership A Video Message from Dr. Jon Payne was last modified: November 11th, 2020 by Jon Payne
A Reformed and Confessional View of Piety
by David Gilbert September 10, 2020When one hears the word “piety” you might think of stuffy, holier-than-thou Christians who seem to suck the joy out of life. The word piety, however, need not carry…
A Response to the PCA’s Ad Interim Report on Human Sexuality
by GRN August 12, 2020https://vimeo.com/447109738 -
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Colossians 1:24, which reads: “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling…