I like scrolling through Twitter to appreciate a theological insight, find a good book recommendation, or make sure Ja Morant is still the front-runner for NBA Rookie of the…
Good News for the Restless Soul
A Gospel Letter to an Unchurched Friend during the COVID-19 Crisisby Jon Payne May 8, 2020The following article is written in the form of a letter to an unchurched friend. It’s written for the purpose of clearly explaining the nature of the gospel and…
God’s Greatest Blessings Often Come through Difficulty
by Guy Richard April 26, 2020One of my favorite hymns of all time is the classic, “God Moves in a Mysterious Way,” by William Cowper. Many years ago, when I first heard the lyrics…
Self-Awareness, Love, and Overreaction
by Nick Batzig November 13, 2019As a teenager, I longed to be whatever my father was not. If he wore a dress shirt and khakis, I sported a t-shirt and jeans. If he listened…
Ensuring Usefulness in Preaching
Samuel Miller's Lectures on Preaching (Part 2)by Allen Stanton August 16, 2019A man sincerely entering into ministry desires to be a blessing to his congregation. He wishes to offer services that will benefit the flock under his charge. If this…
The Westminster Statement on Biblical Sexuality
by Jeff Windt July 12, 2019This article originally appeared at Reformation21.org on July 8, 2019. It appears here with permission. Ray Ortlund, one of the original signers of the Nashville Statement, in his book Marriage…
A Time to Stand – Conference Recap
by Donny Friederichsen July 10, 2019The Gospel Reformation Network’s 2019 pre-assembly day conference — “A Time To Stand: Conviction, Courage, and Compassion in an Age of Compromise” — was a tremendous blessing. We are…
Dear Thomas,
A Pastoral Approach to Dealing with Same Sex Attractionby David Strain July 4, 2019The following article is written in the form of a letter to a young seminarian struggling with same sex attraction. While based on many similar conversations, both Thomas, and…
Four Cheers for PCA Approval of the Nashville Statement
by Richard Phillips July 1, 2019Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared at Reformation21, you can access the original here. There have not been many times over the last twenty years in the PCA General Assembly…
As a missionary, I’m often asked to preach when I visit a church, which leads to the usual dilemma of asking myself, “What will I preach?” And so I…