The Central Carolina Presbytery of the PCA heard the report of its ad interim study committee appointed on November 12, 2018, “to explore the 2018 Revoice Conference and to report…
When I first considered writing an article on the subject of earnest prayer, my first impulse was to say no. After all, this is an area where I struggle,…
When I was in third grade, my teacher, Mrs. Everett, stopped and pulled me aside to speak to me. She got down on my level, looked me straight in…
A mentor of mine once remarked, “It’s OK to have nice things; it’s not OK for nice things to have you.” While helpful, this counsel fails to satisfy the…
The Ordinary Treasure
A Series on The Westminster Larger Catechism Q&A 154-160by David Barry June 29, 2018Editor’s Note: This is part 1 of a 10 part series on Westminster Larger Catechism Question and Answers 154-160. I once read a story about a wealthy man who…
We live in an age of outrage. Expressions of disappointment daily saturate our senses through news media, social media, and regular conversation. In our homes and workplaces, we hear…
It’s A Hunger Problem
Making Sense of Spiritual Apathy in the Churchby Jon Payne May 11, 2018A few years ago I was lamenting with a fellow minister about the lack of interest in Lord’s Day piety among Reformed believers, especially as it concerns attendance to…
Remember Your Union
Maintaining Christian Fellowship through Our Union with Christby Christina Fox April 30, 2018If you have been in the church any length of time, you know how prone we are to hurt one another. We take sides against each other. We spread…
Why Does God Ordain Suffering?
A Puritan's Responseby Brian Cosby March 30, 2018The Church today needs a robust and refreshingly biblical theology of suffering and it would behoove us to consider the voices of the past—in particular, the Puritans. They not…
More is Better
A Simple Case for Evening Worshipby Donny Friederichsen March 17, 2018During the winter, I help coach my son’s wrestling team. The ages for this team run from 4th-8th grade. For many of the younger kids, this is their first…