The Presbyterian Church in America has been my church for over twenty-six years. I have benefited greatly from its verdant pastures of Christ-centered ministry. Since the PCA’s founding on…
A mentor of mine once remarked, “It’s OK to have nice things; it’s not OK for nice things to have you.” While helpful, this counsel fails to satisfy the…
Going to Rome By Way of Corinth
The Truth about Concupiscence - Part 2 of 2by David Garner October 12, 2018Editor’s Note: This is part 2 of Dr. Garner’s article. Part 1 may be accessed here. The frequent and urgent biblical cries to sobriety expose the danger of the…
Going to Rome By Way of Corinth
The Truth about Concupiscence - Part 1 of 2by David Garner October 8, 2018God’s speech carries final authority. That is only right. He is, after all, God. His gravitas weighs in every word on every page of his Word, where he calls us…
Revoice and the “Idolatry” of the Nuclear Family
by Richard Phillips October 2, 2018This article originally appeared at Reformation21. It is reposted here with permission. When the Obergefell case was argued before the US Supreme Court to establish the right to gay marriage,…
Paul’s Understanding of Sexuality
μαλακοὶ and ἀρσενοκοῖται in 1 Cor 6:9by Guy Waters September 20, 2018Introduction Paul uses two words in 1 Cor 6:9, “μαλακοὶ” (malakoi) and “ἀρσενοκοῖται” (arsenokoitai), that are as important to Paul’s understanding of sexuality as they are difficult to understand.…
Preaching Sound Doctrine
A Series on The Westminster Larger Catechism Q&A 154-160by Daniel Schrock September 17, 2018If you have inhabited the world of Evangelicals for any length of time, then you have likely encountered all manner of pious sounding rhetorical jukes and derogatory quips about…
God’s Self-Sufficiency
Embracing the Reality that God Doesn’t Need Youby Brian Cosby August 4, 2018In 2009, my wife and I purchased a home in Atlanta, Georgia. Despite being a larger house in a nice neighborhood, it was what our realtor called “a handy…
A Neglected Jewel of Discipleship
Recovering the Westminster Larger Catechismby Jon Payne May 17, 2018In the Presbyterian Church in America we celebrate and value our Reformed and Confessional heritage. Our aim since 1973 has been to be “Faithful to the Scriptures, true to…
Defending the Faith; Denying the Image
19th Century American Confessional Calvinism in Faithfulness and Failureby J. Ligon Duncan III May 16, 2018Summary: How 19th century Presbyterians simultaneously faithfully defended historic Christian orthodoxy against Enlightenment rationalistic anti-supernaturalism, and accommodated (indeed undergirded) America’s original sin: race-based chattel slavery (and later segregation). The…