Rev. Dr. Jon D. Payne, Executive Coordinator
Jon Payne has served as senior pastor of Christ Church Presbyterian in Charleston, South Carolina since 2013. Before planting Christ Church he was senior pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Douglasville, Georgia from 2003-2013. Rev. Payne has served as the Executive Coordinator of the Gospel Reformation Network since 2015. In addition, he is a trustee of Westminster Seminary UK in Newcastle, England, a trustee of the Heidelberger Society in Heidelberg, Germany, and an adjunct professor of pastoral theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Rev. Payne is series co-editor (with Joel Beeke) of and contributor to the Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament (Reformation Heritage Books) and author/editor of numerous articles, chapters, and books including John Owen on the Lord’s Supper (Banner of Truth), In the Splendor of Holiness: Rediscovering the Beauty of Reformed Worship for the 21st Century (Tolle Legge Press; trans. into eight languages), A Faith Worth Teaching: The Heidelberg Catechism’s Enduring Heritage (Reformation Heritage Books), and A Faith Worth Defending: The Synod of Dort’s Enduring Heritage. Rev. Payne is also a regular contributor to Table Talk magazine. He and his wife, Marla, have been married for 26 years and have two children in college.

Rev. Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III
Ligon Duncan is the Chancellor/CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary and the John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology. Duncan is an active churchman, and has been involved in the presbyteries and general assemblies of the PCA in various ways for many years.
He was appointed to the PCA Strategic Planning Committee, was on the PCA Committee on Psalmody, served on GA Committees of Commissioners for Covenant Seminary, MNA, and Bills and Overtures. He was Chairman of the Credentials Committee of the Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley, Vice-chairman of PCA Creation Study Committee, on the Search Committee for Coordinator of Reformed University Ministries, and served twice as Chairman of the PCA GA Theological Examination Committee. Duncan has been Moderator of the Presbytery of Calvary (SC) and Moderator of the Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley. He was also elected Moderator of the PCA General Assembly (2004-2005).

Mr. Melton L. Duncan
Melton L. Duncan is a Ruling Elder / Church Administrator of Second Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC where he also teaches Sunday School. He serves as the Stated Clerk of Calvary Presbytery and is an active Churchman in the PCA. He has worked for 30 years in church, media, and ministry.
Married to Lynda, a classical orchestral musician and homemaker, they are rearing 3 children in the South Carolina Upcountry. You can find him on Twitter @MeltonDuncan

Rev. Dr. David B. Garner
David Garner is Academic Dean, Vice President of Global Ministries, and Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. A graduate of the University of North Carolina (BS, 1987), Dallas Theological Seminary (ThM, 1992) and Westminster Theological Seminary (PhD, 2002), David Garner has served in theological education, pastoral ministry, missions, and parachurch ministries since 1986. He has lived and taught in various parts of the world, including Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Since 2007, he has taught systematic theology and missiology at Westminster Theological Seminary, and continues to teach around the world, most frequently in Asia. A frequent conference speaker, Dr. Garner also serves as the Systematic Theology Book Review Editor for Themelios Journal. While teaching at Westminster, he also served as Pastor of Teaching at Proclamation Presbyterian Church (Bryn Mawr, PA) from 2012–2015. Dr. Garner is married and father of six children.
Dr. Garner has written several books, including Did God Really Say? Affirming the Truthfulness and Trustworthiness of Scripture (P&R, 2012), How Do I Know for Sure? (P&R, 2014), and Sons in the Son: The Riches and Reach of Adoption in Christ (P&R, 2016).

Rev. Jason Helopoulos
Jason Helopoulos serves as the Senior Pastor of University Reformed Church (PCA) in East Lansing, MI. He regularly contributes to Tabletalk, the Gospel Reformation Network, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals and TGC. Jason has also authored A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home, The New Pastor’s Handbook, Let the Children Worship, and These Truths Alone: Why the Reformation Solas are essential for our faith today. He serves on the boards of Twin Lakes Fellowship, the Gospel Reformation Network, and the Malawi Reformation Network. Jason and his wife, Leah, have two children. He is an avid fan of the World Champion Chicago Cubs and the less than champion, Chicago Bears.

Rev. Dr. Jonathan L. Master
Dr. Jonathan L. Master serves as President of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Taylors, SC, a Trustee of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, and an Associate Editor of the Banner of Truth Magazine. From 2012 to 2020, he served as Dean of the School of Divinity at Cairn University in Langhorne, PA. With over 20 years of pastoral experience, he is a Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). He is the author of Growing in Grace (Banner of Truth, 2020) and A Question of Consensus: The Doctrine of Assurance After the Westminster Confession (Fortress, 2015). He edited The God We Worship (P&R Publications, 2016) and co-edited (with David W. Hall) On Reforming Worship (Covenant Publications, 2018). His Ph.D. is in Reformation and Post-Reformation theology from the University of Aberdeen in Aberdeen, Scotland. He is frequently called upon to lecture at seminaries and to speak at Reformed conferences around the world. He and his wife Elizabeth have been blessed with two daughters, and they live in the Greenville area, where they attend the Second Presbyterian Church of Greenville.

Rev. Dr. Richard D. Phillips
Richard Davis Phillips is the twelfth Senior Minister of the Second Presbyterian Church of Greenville. He served on the pastoral staff of the church where he came to faith, Tenth Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, PA. There, Rick was mentored by the well-known Bible teacher, Dr. James Montgomery Boice, and began his calling as a weekly preacher of God’s Word. After serving at Tenth Presbyterian from 1995-2002, Dr. Phillips accepted the call to be Senior Minister of First Presbyterian Church of Coral Springs, FL. After five years there, he moved to Greenville to serve the Second Presbyterian Church in 2007.
Dr. Phillips serves the church by authoring books, with over forty currently in print. Among his many activities, he serves on the board of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, the council of The Gospel Coalition, and the board of trustees of Westminster Theological Seminary. Together with Philip Graham Ryken, he is series coeditor of the Reformed Expository Commentary series. His most recent books include commentaries on Revelation, Psalms, and Titus.

Rev. Dr. David T. A. Strain
David Strain is the Senior Minister of the historic First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, MS. Born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland, he came under care of the Glasgow Presbytery of the Church of Scotland and studied theology at Trinity College (Glasgow University), where he won the gold medal in Systematic Theology and again graduated with honors. Because of his biblical convictions, he was prevented from ministering in the Church of Scotland and so attended the Free Church of Scotland College in Edinburgh, graduating with distinction.
He was ordained to the gospel ministry in the Free Church in September 2003, and took pastoral charge of Cole Abbey Presbyterian Church (now London City Presbyterian Church), the Free Church of Scotland congregation in the City of London, England. In 2008, David and his family moved to the United States where he became the Senior Pastor of Main Street Presbyterian Church in Columbus, Mississippi. David is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson. David and Sheena have been married for 14 years and have two sons.
General Council
Rev. Matthew Adams
First Presbyterian Church
Dillon, South Carolina
Mr. Billy Ball (RE)
Briarwood Presbyterian Church
Birmingham, Alabama
Rev. Nicholas Bullock
Christ Presbyterian Church
New Braunfels, Texas
Rev. Dr. Brian Cosby
Wayside Presbyterian Church
Signal Mountain, Tennessee
Rev. Clif Daniell
Cherokee Presbyterian Church
Canton, Georgia
Rev. Donny Friederichsen
Lakeside Presbyterian Church
South Lake, Texas
Rev. Dr. George Grant
Parish Presbyterian Church
Franklin, Tennessee
Rev. Seth Hammond
Christ Covenant PCA
Knoxville, Tennessee
Rev. Richard Harris
Christ Evangelical PCA
Houston, Texas
Mr. Tobe Hester (RE)
Christ Church Presbyterian
Charleston, South Carolina
Rev. Sean Morris
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Rev. Rob Pacienza
Coral Ridge PCA
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Rev. Todd Pruitt
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Rev. Art Sartorius
Black Hills Community Church
Rapid City, South Dakota
Rev. George Sayour
Meadowview Reformed PCA
Lexington, North Carolina
Rev. Stephen Spinnenweber
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Jacksonville, Florida
Mr. Stephen Todd (RE)
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Asheville, North Carolina
Rev. Wilson Van Hooser
Grace Presbyterian Church
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Rev. Chad Watkins
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Rev. Dr. Charles Wingard
First Presbyterian Church / Reformed Theological Seminary
Jackson, Mississippi