The Fight of Faith Once a month on a Friday night, we have a men’s gathering at my house. About a dozen or more guys get together for fellowship…
Dear Pastor, Do I Need A Dramatic Conversion Experience To Be Saved?
by Matthew Adams February 24, 2025Dear Pastor, As you know, I grew up in the church and know about Jesus. I believe He is God and Man, lived a perfect life, and died a…
ConferenceConfessionalFeaturedRuling Elders
GRN National Conference News
Make Plans to Join Join Us in Central Florida!by Jon Payne February 14, 2025Dear Friends, In January the GRN Executive Council met at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. During our time together, we discussed ways that the Gospel Reformation…
Dr. Harry Reeder on Preaching Sanctification
From the 2023 GRN National Conferenceby Wilson Van Hooser February 7, 2025Introduction My coaches used to tell me that you’re always supposed to sit toward the front of class. I haven’t always followed that rule but I’m sure glad I…
Especially The Preaching
Rediscovering The Oft Hidden Treasure of Westminster Larger Catechism Q/A 155by Jon Payne February 3, 2025Introduction from the Editor As Rev. Dr. Jon Payne says, the Westminster Larger Catechism is a forgotten treasure. It is not only something that PCA ordained officers are to…
How Should We Apply the Sixth Commandment?
by Brian Cosby December 23, 2024At the surface, the Sixth Commandment seems straightforward: “You shall not murder” (Ex. 20:13; Deut. 5:17). But as we explore both the biblical context and how this command is…
Dear Pastor, May My Child Take The Lord’s Supper?
by Stephen Spinnenweber December 17, 2024Dear Pastor: My son has been asking lots of questions about the Lord’s Supper and particularly why he doesn’t partake yet. I have been doing some research online and…
Dear Pastor, Why Doesn’t My Family Believe?
by Wilson Van Hooser December 13, 2024Dear Pastor, I know I haven’t been the best husband or father in the past. I just feel that the reason my wife and kids don’t believe is because…
Future Pastors Need Mentors
What We Can Do Now To Shape Who Comes Nextby Charles Malcolm Wingard December 12, 2024We all need mentors. With so many voices telling us what to do, it’s vitally important that we have godly, thoughtful, experienced people showing us what to do. Preparing for a…
Calling All Ruling Elders!
An Interview with Jon D. Payne about the GRN National Conferenceby Wilson Van Hooser December 9, 2024* An interview with GRN Executive Coordinator, Dr. Jon D. Payne about the GRN National Conference at Saint Andrews PCA in Sanford, Florida; May 7-8th, 2025. Wilson Van Hooser…