As part of the 2021 Westminster Theological Seminary Conference on Preaching & Preachers, GRN Executive Council member Dr. Richard D. Phillips preached a sermon from 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8, “The…
21 Encouragements for Your Sanctification
The Good News of Progressive Sanctificationby J. Ligon Duncan III October 20, 2023Christians tend to be encouraged about their justification (if they understand it), but sometimes discouraged about their sanctification (or seeming lack thereof). Consequently, they miss out of something that…
Ordinary Means of Grace Church Planting Domestically
An Interview with Rev. Jake Hookerby Sean Morris October 19, 2023As friends and observers of the Gospel Reformation Network will know, the GRN is committed to the cultivation of healthy Reformed churches in the Presbyterian Church in America. Part…
What a difference it makes when a Christian man realizes that he does not have to be a fighter pilot, a movie star, or a pro athlete to have…
Popular-Level & Practical Theology from the GRN
by Melton L. Duncan October 16, 2023Do you appreciate thoughtful and interesting podcasts? When on the road for 20, 30, or 60 minutes to a pastoral visit, while running an errand, or going to a…
On the Virtues of “Intemperate” Speech
by Russell St. John June 7, 2023Introduction The past few years have witnessed an increasing number of accusations of “intemperate” speech on the floor of General Assembly. Often it seems as though the accused stands…
Dear Friends, It has been an extremely difficult week for GRN Council Members, friends, family, and the wider church after the sudden loss of our dear friend, Rev. Dr.…
One day, during my senior year of high school, I noticed someone in the gym I’d never seen before. He was a juggernaut of a man I assumed to…
“Time after time mankind is driven against the rocks of the horrid reality of a fallen creation. And time after time mankind must learn the hard lessons of history—the…
Dear Friends of the GRN — This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in America! The Lord is faithful! To Him alone be all glory and…