Why Overture 29 is Needed
Two Brief Videos from Dr. Rick Phillips
Why Overture 29 is Needed Two Brief Videos from Dr. Rick Phillips was last modified: November 10th, 2022 by GRN
Why Overture 29 is Needed Two Brief Videos from Dr. Rick Phillips was last modified: November 10th, 2022 by GRN
Why We Should Adopt Overtures 15 & 29 A Brief Video Message from Dr. Harry Reeder was last modified: October 25th, 2022 by GRN
Pastoral ministry is a true paradox. Pastors must be tough enough to “wage the good warfare” while also remaining gentle enough to resemble “a nursing mother taking care of…
Gospel Reformation Network | Fall Gathering Greenville, South Carolina | September 17th, 2022 Is there a Reformed resurgence occurring in the Presbyterian Church in America? Could experiential Calvinism and…
Dear Friends of the GRN, The 49th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America is in the books, and there is much for which we can be thankful.…
Recently I have been considering this idea of a “distinctive.” Seemingly, in all facets of life, we have distinctives. For example, you have aspects of your family that distinguish…
The book of Hebrews is full of strong exhortations and sobering warnings for the Church throughout the ages.[1] It was originally written to encourage first-century Jewish Christians not to…
When men being examined for ministry take an exception to any portion of the Westminster standards we always require that they explain their rationale. A man ought to be…
Belonging to Christ is fundamental to our Christian identity, shaping how we should consider our relationship with God and our new disposition toward the world. Christ is making a…
Within the PCA, there is a broad range of practices regarding who is permitted to read Scripture publicly within a worship service.[1] Some PCA churches restrict the public reading…