Charles Simeon (1759-1836), the eminent British preacher from Cambridge, advised his students in homiletics “to give every text its just meaning, its natural bearing, and its legitimate use…to ascertain…
LeadershipRuling EldersWorship
The Ruling Elder and the Public Worship of God
by Brad Isbell November 15, 2024Introduction Concepts of representation and visibility often come up in social and political discussions about equity, inclusion, fairness, or justice. These concepts can be wrongly or unwisely imported into…
LeadershipRuling Elders
How To Avoid Falling Into A Ditch In Ministry
Cultivating The Elder's Conscienceby Zach Byrd November 1, 2024The latest buzzword in ministry circles is “health.” Books abound with discussions of cultivating good exercise habits, cultivating a good work/life habits, cultivating good rest habits. However, as important…
What Is Reformation Day and Why Does It Matter?
The Church Reformed, Always Reformingby Rob Pacienza October 31, 2024Introduction As October 31 approaches, it seems the whole world is carving pumpkins, dressing up, and gearing up for large amounts of candy. But for the church, this date…
Reformed Worship & Vibrant Community
A Key Distinctive of a Reformed Churchby Chad Watkins October 29, 2024How can we discern if a church is healthy? Do we measure a church’s health by the attendance, the state of the finances, the number of conversions, or how…
Are There Different Reformed Views on Sanctification?
Sanctification and the Heidelberg Catechismby Jon Payne October 21, 2024The doctrine of sanctification never ceases to be a topic of serious discussion among the Reformed. This is certainly the case in the Presbyterian Church in America. Rightly so.…
How To Be Confessional Where Confessions Have Been Rejected
Bringing Reformed Theology to the Ozarksby Levi Bakerink October 16, 2024Introduction Three miles North on Main Street from where I am writing sits the campus of a well-known Christian college founded within the Restoration (or Stone-Campbell) movement. This movement,…
Two Essentials for a Biblical & Powerful Ministry
The Necessity of Earnest Prayer & Expository Preachingby Todd Pruitt October 14, 2024Among the seven distinctives that the Gospel Reformation Network hopes to encourage among all the churches of the PCA is Earnest Prayer and Expository Preaching. Rather than innovations, each…
ChurchLeadershipMinistryRuling Elders
The Ruling Elder’s Reasonable Service in the Courts of the Church
Consistent Participation For Denominational Healthby Brad Isbell October 10, 2024Some presbyters seem to believe that entering the arena of ecclesial/denominational controversy is—to quote the military supercomputer in the prescient 1983 teen movie WarGames—“a strange game. The only winning move…
The Year of the Ruling Elder
by Jon Payne September 26, 2024Dear Friends of the GRN, Godly ruling elders are essential to the spiritual life and health of the local church. They are also key to long-term denominational fidelity. It’s…