Everyone has a regulative principle of worship. Everyone regulates what they do in worship either by the past, the pragmatic, by personal preference, or by the unprohibited. Sola Scriptura,…
Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared in the Aug/Sept 2019 edition of the Banner of Truth magazine. Used here by permission. Lord’s Day worship is the grand theater of Christian…
The Providence and Promises of God
The Life and Work of William Swan Plumerby Miles Smith IV October 17, 2019The Reformed Faithful, both those baptized in the church and those who find the gospel of grace later in life, is a tradition rich in history. The catholicity and…
The fire began late at night in the boiler room. By early morning, despite valiant efforts to save the historic structure, the old wooden church building was gone. All…
Ensuring Usefulness in Preaching
Samuel Miller's Lectures on Preaching (Part 2)by Allen Stanton August 16, 2019A man sincerely entering into ministry desires to be a blessing to his congregation. He wishes to offer services that will benefit the flock under his charge. If this…
The Westminster Statement on Biblical Sexuality
by Jeff Windt July 12, 2019This article originally appeared at Reformation21.org on July 8, 2019. It appears here with permission. Ray Ortlund, one of the original signers of the Nashville Statement, in his book Marriage…
A Time to Stand – Conference Recap
by Donny Friederichsen July 10, 2019The Gospel Reformation Network’s 2019 pre-assembly day conference — “A Time To Stand: Conviction, Courage, and Compassion in an Age of Compromise” — was a tremendous blessing. We are…
Cultural Magisterium or Biblical Magisterium?
Time to Stand - Where Do I Stand? - Here I Stand!by Harry Reeder July 5, 2019On a cold October 31 morning in the year of our Lord 1517, a tempestuous professor of theology from the Augustinian University of Wittenberg seeking to secure a theological…
Dear Thomas,
A Pastoral Approach to Dealing with Same Sex Attractionby David Strain July 4, 2019The following article is written in the form of a letter to a young seminarian struggling with same sex attraction. While based on many similar conversations, both Thomas, and…
GRN Assembly Luncheon
Photo Gallery from the 2019 Luncheon at the PCA GAby Donny Friederichsen July 2, 2019GRN Assembly Luncheon Photo Gallery from the 2019 Luncheon at the PCA GA was last modified: July 10th, 2019 by Donny Friederichsen