While we pilgrims are marching towards Zion, this world is our home. It is a home that involves joy and all the resulting toil and arduous labor from the…
How to Speak
How to Be Effective on the Floor of the General Assemblyby Fred Greco June 9, 2018It’s June, and for those who are a part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), that means that General Assembly (GA) is here. For those who are new…
Mere Presbyterianism, Part 2
A Positive Way Forward for the PCAby Jon Payne June 7, 2018In my previous post, I argue that the Presbyterian Church in America is ripe for confessional renewal; that we must get back to the basics of Confessional Presbyterianism. We…
Mere Presbyterianism
A Positive Way Forward for the PCAby Jon Payne June 2, 2018During the Second World War, C.S. Lewis delivered a series of engaging addresses on BBC radio that served as a basic defense of the Christian Faith. The Oxford professor’s…
We live in an age of outrage. Expressions of disappointment daily saturate our senses through news media, social media, and regular conversation. In our homes and workplaces, we hear…
Doubtless, we are all aware of the growing polarization characteristic of our current cultural moment. The Left and the Right appeal to the politics of fear in an attempt…
Along with my previous article on expository preaching, allow me to approach this short article anecdotally. Earnest prayer has long been dear to me because I found it to…
A Neglected Jewel of Discipleship
Recovering the Westminster Larger Catechismby Jon Payne May 17, 2018In the Presbyterian Church in America we celebrate and value our Reformed and Confessional heritage. Our aim since 1973 has been to be “Faithful to the Scriptures, true to…
Defending the Faith; Denying the Image
19th Century American Confessional Calvinism in Faithfulness and Failureby J. Ligon Duncan III May 16, 2018Summary: How 19th century Presbyterians simultaneously faithfully defended historic Christian orthodoxy against Enlightenment rationalistic anti-supernaturalism, and accommodated (indeed undergirded) America’s original sin: race-based chattel slavery (and later segregation). The…
It’s A Hunger Problem
Making Sense of Spiritual Apathy in the Churchby Jon Payne May 11, 2018A few years ago I was lamenting with a fellow minister about the lack of interest in Lord’s Day piety among Reformed believers, especially as it concerns attendance to…