In his essay, “Is the Shorter Catechism Worthwhile,” Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield argues for the importance of the Westminster Shorter Catechism by stating that the catechism always leaves an indelible…
Who’s Who in the Church
Understanding the Differences Between Senior, Associate, and Assistant Pastorsby Fred Greco February 13, 2018What is the difference between different types of pastors? Why are there different titles for pastors in the Presbyterian Church in American (PCA)? It can be quite confusing, especially…
What is the Gospel Reformation Network? An Interview with Convener Jon Payne
by Donny Friederichsen January 31, 2018When and why did the Gospel Reformation Network begin? The GRN began in the winter of 2012 in response to a growing doctrinal concern among teaching and ruling elders…
Evangelistic preaching has fallen on hard times. There is a good deal of apologetic preaching, that defends and provides reasons for faith. There is a lot of excellent pastoral…
The Controversy about Infant Baptism
by Jason Helopoulos January 4, 2018Baptism. In American Christianity one only has to say the word and positions are taken, defenses go up, and arguments are made ready. Should we spend time studying, knowing,…
Anyone who has been attentive to the debates within conservative Reformed denominations will notice that there is a growing disagreement about the mission of the Church and the role…
The Christmas season can be incredibly hectic. There are presents to buy, people to see, food to prepare, and events to attend. If we are not careful, we can…
Calvin, Piety, and the Heart of Ministry
Part 2by Timothy Gwin December 1, 2017[Editor’s Note: This is Part 2 of a two-part survey of Calvin’s understanding of pietas for ministry today. For Part 1, click here.] God is Lord over the day-to-day…
Calvin, Piety, and the Heart of Ministry
(Part 1)by Timothy Gwin November 17, 2017[Editor’s Note: This is Part 1 of a two-part survey of Calvin’s understanding of pietas for ministry today. For Part 2, click here.] John Calvin, a man exiled and marked…
Faith Comes by Hearing
A Few Thoughts on Listening Well to Sermonsby Jon Payne November 10, 2017Listening well to the preaching of God’s Word is foundational to spiritual growth and discipleship. Indeed, sanctification is not unrelated to how attentive we are to the faithful proclamation…