It has often been said that to avoid conflict at family gatherings, it’s best to leave religion, politics, and parenting out of the conversation. Perhaps the subject of church…
Sisterhood in the Church
Cultivating Christ-Centered Fellowship Among Womenby Christina Fox June 26, 2017I have a dear friend who lives in the opposite end of the country from me. She is so far away, I don’t know when I’ll see her again.…
Gospel Reformation Network | Video
For the Continued Faithfulness of the PCAby GRN June 19, 2017What is the Gospel Reformation Network? Who is involved? This short video introduces the GRN, its history, and its goal of cultivating healthy Reformed churches in the Presbyterian Church…
Slow to Speak
Civility on the Floor of the PCA General Assemblyby Fred Greco June 4, 2017It’s that time of year again for the Presbyterian Church in American (PCA)—summer is here and General Assembly (GA) is upon us. GA is the annual gathering of pastors…
The Godly Commissioner
Getting it Right in Greensboroby Jon Payne May 26, 2017“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” The well-known opening line from Dickens’ classic 19th-century novel, A Tale of Two Cities, might also be…
A Case for Evening Worship
Sacred Rest and the Public Means of Graceby Michael Hutchinson May 25, 2017The evening service has fallen on hard times, indeed. In fact, it is now unusual for churches to hold two worship services on the Lord’s Day.[1] Even where two…
Maintaining Unity in the PCA
The Usefulness of the Westminster Standardsby Nick Batzig May 21, 2017In his short essay, “Is the Shorter Catechism Worthwhile?” B.B. Warfield told the following short story about the importance of loving the teaching of the Westminster Shorter Catechism: A general…
Several weeks ago, I was driving east on I-80 to preach at a church in a nearby state when my rear driver-side wheel flew off completely—rim and all. I immediately…
A Call for Courageous Discernment
Language, Racial Reconciliation, and the PCAby Gabriel Williams May 8, 2017Over the last few years, two issues have overshadowed many others within the Presbyterian Church in America: (1) racial reconciliation and (2) the role of women in the church. Although…
If you have not yet faced discouragement in ministry, just wait. It will happen. Ministry and discouragement go together like the sun and sunburn—the longer you’re in the sun,…