GRN Fall Gathering

17sep9:00 am2:00 pmGRN Fall Gathering

Event Details

Dear Friends of the GRN,

The 49th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America is in the books, and there is much for which we can be thankful. The passing of overtures 15 and 29, separation from the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), and the addition of numerous conscientiously Reformed and confessional men to permanent committees, to name just a few positive outcomes, give us reasons to be hopeful about the PCA’s future.

In addition, it was deeply encouraging to see over 600 attend the GRN annual Luncheon in Birmingham. It was by far the largest GRN luncheon to date. With interest growing in the vision and message of the GRN among PCA teaching and ruling elders (many of them younger men!), it appears that a Reformed resurgence may be taking place in our churches. Indeed, many are waking up to the very real threats of progressive Christianity within our ranks, and the need to recover a sincere and robust confessional Presbyterianism. One where our doctrinal Standards are not merely tolerated, but cherished; not equivocated, but championed; not ignored, but courageously taught.

As I stated in my GRN Luncheon address, the PCA is approaching mile 50 in the ultra-marathon, and many believe that we have veered off course. The existence of side B gay Christianity, critical social justice, and confessional latitudinarianism within our churches reveals the drift.

Christian institutions usually go one way or the other at the half-century mark. Sadly, many end up capitulating to cultural demands while seeking to be relevant. That quest for cultural relevance over Biblical faithfulness, however, is deadly to Biblical Christianity. We must continue to strive for biblical fidelity and confessional integrity in the PCA, so that we would get back on course, and run with endurance the race set before us. Are you ready to continue working with us for a stronger PCA?

The GRN would like to warmly invite all ordained PCA Ruling and Teaching elders to join us in Greenville, South Carolina for a half-day meeting at Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church. The gathering will be from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (check-in begins at 8:15 a.m.). The meeting will end at 2:00 p.m. so that men can drive or fly back to their churches for Lord’s Day worship.

The purpose of the meeting will be at least six-fold.

  1. Encouragement from God’s Word.
  2. Season of prayer for the PCA.
  3. Introduce new members of a largely expanded GRN Council.
  4. Report by a Ruling Elder on how to be active and faithful presbyters in the church courts.
  5. Report from GRN Council Members on the state of the PCA, key overtures, and denominational reform.
  6. Enjoy sweet fellowship over a catered lunch.

My dear brothers, we have experienced two encouraging General Assemblies in a row. There is much for which we should be encouraged. However, there still remains a lot to be done in our churches, presbyteries, committees, and agencies.

Would you commit to joining us, then, for this important time of prayer, fellowship, and encouragement? Please register and make plans to attend the Meeting of Concerned PCA Churchmen on Saturday, September 17th. All PCA Ruling and Teaching elders are warmly invited. If you plan to come, please register soon. Space is limited.

Your Servant and Friend,

Jon D Payne

Senior Minister, Christ Church Presbyterian

Charleston, South Carolina

Executive Coordinator, Gospel Reformation Network

Register Here: Link



(Saturday) 9:00 am - 2:00 pm(GMT-04:00)


Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church

2519 Woodruff Rd, Simpsonville, SC 29681