Yes, the meeting is still on. The Meeting for Concerned PCA Ruling and Teaching Elders is still planned for September 25th, from 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m., in Greenville, South Carolina.…
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Six Truths about a Woman's Identity in Christby Jodi Hiser August 4, 2021When our kids were little, our family would make the effort every year to visit the state fair. Armed with overpriced tickets and buckets of popcorn, we entered the…
Historic Biblical Christianity & Contemporary Progressive Christianity
by Harry Reeder July 23, 2021Recently in light of the increasing challenges by the persistent and penetrating movement of Progressive Christianity within the Evangelical Church in general and my own denomination—the Presbyterian Church in…
The PCA’s Bright Future—Without a Bigger Tent
by Jon Payne July 9, 2021The PCA doesn’t want a bigger tent. That was the clear message sent last week to the 48th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in St.…
Good Faith Subscription? (Part 2)
Confessional Integrity in the PCAby David Strain June 29, 2021[Editor’s Note: For “Part 1” of Dr. Strain’s two-part article, click here.] Having stated the scriptural and ecclesiastical necessity of confessions, the purpose of this second article is to…
Good Faith Subscription? (Part 1)
Confessional Integrity in the PCAby David Strain June 27, 2021In my judgment, the subject of confessional integrity is vital for the health and fruitfulness of the ministry entrusted to the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in our generation.[1]…
A Response to Greg Johnson’s Interview
The Gospel and Christian Identityby David Garner June 24, 2021Starting with the title itself, there is much to like about the Rev. Dr. Greg Johnson’s book, The World According to God (InterVarsity, 2002). Now, nearly 20 years later,…
A Response to the PCA “Moderators’ Letter”
May We Ask a Question?by Richard Phillips June 17, 2021During the new members class of my church, I tell the people that there is one question I will never resent them asking. The question is: “Are we being…
The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is at a crossroads. Nobody likes it. Everyone recognizes it. It’s gut-wrenching, especially for seasoned PCA presbyters and longtime church members. The Open…
Now some cried out one thing, some another, for the assembly was in confusion, and most of them did not know why they had come together. – Acts 19:32 Acts…